Jonathan P. Noble es socio de la oficina de Dubai. Asesora a numerosas empresas multinacionales y potencias regionales en transacciones internacionales, constitución de sociedades, agencia y distribución, joint ventures y gobierno corporativo en los EAU, el Consejo de Cooperación para los Estados Árabes del Golfo y la región MENA en general. Con un dominio fluido del árabe, Jonathan gestiona con frecuencia asuntos contenciosos complejos en la región, incluyendo arbitrajes, litigios locales, investigaciones internas, revisiones de cumplimiento y disputas laborales a nivel ejecutivo.
Texas State Bar, 2012
Washington D.C. Bar, 2014
B.A., University of Texas at Austin, 2003
M.A., University of Washington – Seattle, 2007
J.D., University of Texas School of Law, 2012
“Jonathan Noble is tremendously talented but is also wonderful to deal with. He possesses great creativity and a solutions-oriented way of working.”
«We have worked closely with Jonathan Noble on various disputes in many courts. Jonathan has a solid experience in the UAE law and always exerts his maximum effort to be available for his clients and the litigators representing them.»
«Jonathan Noble is an excellent lawyer, with high professionalism and attention to detail. He is extremely reliable and to the point when it comes to the knowledge and insight that he shares.»