Advising Mothers at Risk (MAR) on the regulatory framework of its activities in Egypt. MAR is a Belgian international non-profit organization committed to helping save lives in pregnancy and childbirth – giving support to local partner organizations to improve the quality and availability of maternal and neonatal health services, with the shared goal of achieving better outcomes for mothers and babies during the pre-natal, delivery and post-natal period.
Supporting the National Employment Pact (NEP), an initiative helping young Egyptian job seekers to find fair employment on all ongoing aspects of Egyptian law.
Supporting the Iraqi National Dialogue, organized by EGRD and Candid Foundation
Supporting Deutsch-Jemenitischer Ingenieur-Verein e.V. (DJIV) (English: German-Yemeni Engineers Association), a German non-profit registered association with the aim of promoting the collaboration of German and Yemeni organizations in the technical and academic fields. DJIV works closely with GIZ, the main commissioning party (development agency) of the German Federal Ministry for Economic Cooperation and Development.
Supporting UMAM D&R in setting up in Germany (foundation of UMAM gGmbH). UMAM documents and researches the history of the Lebanese Civil War and promotes peace and understanding across the MENA Region.