Uncategorized Munich Languages

English German


Dr. Wolfgang Graf von Armansperg joined the Munich office in 2007 as Of Counsel after more than 25 years of experience in various legal and business functions with Siemens AG.  He previously worked in Siemens’ legal department and export financing department being promoted to head of export finance for three Siemens group companies. Later he worked in Siemens tax department supervising Siemens’ tax affairs from export business in various geographic regions.

In his last twelve years with Siemens, he concentrated his tax activities on Siemens business in the Middle East region, taking responsibility for tax advice, tax compliance and tax control of permanent establishments and subsidiaries in the Middle East.

With his tax know how from the Middle East, Dr. v. Armansperg complements the comprehensive service functions of AMERELLER for international clients and their business activities in the Middle East region.

Munich Bar, 1979-1984; readmitted since 1995


  • University of Munich, 1975 (First State Exam)
  • Judicial service trainee, 1978 (Second State Exam)
  • University of California, Berkeley, 1978 (Research Student)
  • University of Munich, 1981 (Dr. iur.)


Dr. Wolfgang Graf von Armansperg joined the Munich office in 2007 as Of Counsel after more than 25 years of experience in various legal and business functions with Siemens AG.

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